Sunday, October 24, 2010

Contemporary Literature
Vol. 32, No. 1 (Spring, 1991), pp. 1-11
Published by: University of Wisconsin Press

This is an article that I found using the databases on the YC portal. This article is an interview with O' Brien that answers some questions that the reader might have had while reading the book. I would like to use this article because it came out after the book in 1991 and it sheds some light on the novel. I think it would be a critical asset to understanding why it is that O' Brien wrote the way he did. It gives context to the book, it gives readers an understanding that even almost thirty years after the war, some things still affect O' Brien and I think this is important when looking at his book. A reader must understand that everything a soldier goes through is remembered and the stories that they do share are very important.

2 U.S. Fliers Killed In Vietnam as Reds Down Their Copter
New York Times (1923-Current file); Jun 27, 1964; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The New York Times (1851 - 2007)

I would like to use this newspaper article because it tells you what everyone thought we were fighting the war for. It talks about "Reds" and communism. This is the type of news that O' Brien was reading before he was drafted into the war. It is also very credible because it was written during the time frame and from a very reliable news source, The New York Times. It is also specifically talking about the Vietnam War and the begging of it.